Walking Football

The sessions  suitable for all ages, abilities and fitness levels.
No football boots are required as this is a walking sport trainers are suitable footwear.
Walking Football offers many health benefits as well as being great fun for any age and gender.
With no running, jogging or heading – and tackling with reduced physical contact – Walking Football is a fun and safe way for players to enjoy football and socialise together.
You can just turn up to register and join in. £2.00 per session


No football boots are required as this is a walking sport, trainers are suitable footwear.
Walking football offers many health benefits as well as being great fun for any age.
There is plenty of evidence to support how exercising has health benefits including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke while improving blood pressure and walking football is no exception.  It is an excellent way to stay or get fit and healthy! £2.00 per session Monday 9.15am

Abbey stadium health walks

The Abbey Track – Wednesdays at 11am.
Come along and enjoy a FREE safe walk, with cafe and toilet facilities on hand.
We have 2volunteers who are looking forward to welcoming you back to this weekly session.
You can turn up at any time, register with the volunteers and enjoy your walk.
There is always the opportunity to “Walk and Talk”, or to pace it out and count your laps.
Whatever your walking speed or ability you will be welcome!

cancer rehab

We are now taking referrals into this scheme.
If you are living with a Cancer diagnosis or are in remission then we can provide help and guidance on what type of physical activity will help you to improve our health, making it easier for your body to deal with surgery and recover from treatment.
A Cancer Rehab qualified exercise professional will:
Spend time with you looking at your current activity levels, your goals and any other considerations.  They will design a programme that meets your needs and be there to help you along the way, with a weekly meeting if required.
For only £25.00 you will receive a 6 week programme, full PEAK gym membership (including classes and pool).


We are now taking referrals into the scheme.
If you are currently living with any of these health conditions and would like advise/guidance on what type of physical activity will help you improve your health then please complete the registration form to join the programme.

Overweight/obese, Type 2 Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis,High blood pressure,Depression, anxiety and stress,Asthma,Skeletal and muscular injuries, Seropositive HIV, Hypercholesterolemia,Hyper/hypothyroidism

A qualified exercise professional will:
Spend time with you looking at your current activity levels, your goals and any health conditions that need to be considered.  They will design a programme that meets your needs and be there to help you along the way.
For only £25.00 you will receive a 6 week programme, full PEAK gym membership (including classes).


For people living with pain the the knee, hip or back
Escape-Pain is a group rehab programme for people living with joint pain that uses education and coping strategies alongside exercise.  It helps you to understand your condition, teaches you simple things you can help yourselves with, and takes you through a progressive exercise programme so that you can learn how to cope with the pain better.

12 sessions over 6 weeks
Days :Wednesdays and Fridays
Times:11am to 12pm