- Eligibility: This offer is available to new members only.
- Free December Offer: New members who join with a direct debit membership will receive December free.
- Applicable Memberships: The offer applies to all direct debit memberships, including Family, Student, Single, and Corporate.
- Hot Drinks Discount: Enjoy 20% off hot drinks throughout December when you sign up. A QR code must be shown and scanned at the café to claim the discount.
- Class Bookings: Classes can be booked up to 7 days in advance through the app, client portal, or by calling 01527 60206.
- Swimming Sessions: No advance booking is required for swimming sessions. Please check the swimming timetable for available public sessions.
- Swimming Membership Offer: Sign up for junior swimming direct debit membership between 29th November and 2nd December to receive 3 weeks free in December. (Payment for January will need to be made when signing up Black Friday weekend)
- Cancellation Policy: A 1-month notice period is required to cancel a swimming or gym membership.
- Hot Drinks Discount for current Gym Members: Available to current Gym direct debit or paid-in-full members, Enjoy 20% off hot drinks throughout December. A QR code must be shown and scanned at the café to claim the discount.